SmartSVN 9.3.2 (2018-10-25) =========================== Fixed ----- - macOS 10.14: workaround for bug in SWT or macOS 10.14 causing a crash when opening the Log or Revision Graph window - SSH: unsupported entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts caused immediate exit - File Compare: Ctrl+D on empty line caused internal error - Merge: "Ignore Ancestry" should also ignore mergeinfo - Light, system independent theme: edited, removed or new properties were hard to see in the Edit Properties dialog - Changes view: Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down might change read-only file content - Annotate: was enabled even for binary files - Preferences, Low-level Properties: wrong default values for "dialog.buttonsRightAligned" and "ui.systemtray.enabled" SmartSVN 9.3.1 (2018-05-18) =========================== New, Improved ------------- - Commit: optionally warn if directory or file names not match configured regulard expressions to prevent committing file names that might cause problems on other platforms (low-level properties commit.validFileDirPattern and commit.validFileNamePattern) Fixed ----- - Commit, Differences: missing Ignore Whitespace Changes toolbar button - Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks - Create Module: possible internal error - Explorer Integration: Open Project sometimes might not work - Open Working Copy: content (buttons) could move if selected directory's name was too long - Preferences, Low-level properties: incorrectly escaped defaults - settings: possible internal error if user messed up file formats - Linux: file name completion popup might be too small SmartSVN 9.3.0 (2018-04-11) =========================== New, Improved ------------- - Revision Graph: set system property "revisionGraph.inlineBranchesAndTags" to false to not inline branches and tags automatically SmartSVN 9.3 RC 2 (2018-04-03) ============================== New, Improved ------------- - Revision Graph: start by showing only the current branch (instead of having all branches and tags selected) - Refresh: added system property "fileMonitor.refreshOnShellActivation.forceRecursive" Fixed ----- - Changes view: no inline changes showed up for large files with line-ending changes - Revision Graph: deselecting all branches and tags did not hide graph because of implicit current branch - SWT: Bug 459043: NPE while invoking Display.getBounds - Tools, Open: forked tools might be forcefully terminated after 1 minute Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - OS X: use different native launcher SmartSVN 9.3 RC 1 (2018-03-21) ============================== New, Improved ------------- - Add Branch: default to server-side revision - Commit dialog: if no maximal-line-length-guide is configured, word-wrap is used - Compare: Find and Replace supports regular expression in the replace string - Help | Find Action (Ctrl+F1) to quickly search menu items - System Properties are editable in the preferences - Log, Revision Graph: - Details: links in the commit message are detected and clickable - closing the window frees used memory - Revision Graph: Branches view supports toggling multiple branches/tags - Compare with Revision: added system property smartsvn.compareWithRevision.localFileRight to always show the editable file at the right side Fixed ----- - Commit dialog: option for maximal-line-length-guide could not be unselected - Compare: internal error duplicating lines (Ctrl+D) - Checkout wizard: possible internal error - Edit Properties: possible internal error diffing multi-line properties - Merge toolbar button: quick-merge context items operated on root even if submodule was selected - Repository Browser: for really large repositories, e.g. the Wordpress plugin repository, the GUI locked up for a very long time - UI: context menu sometimes did not show up on 2nd click Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Linux: bundle 64-bit JRE - Windows installer: - is now signed - no desktop shortcut by default SmartSVN 9.3 preview 6 (2018-02-16) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - Commit dialog: - file name completion also suggestions renamed source path - option to use configured text font with maximal-line-length-guide - Compare: - completely new algorithm to determine more suitable inner-line changes - take selection: supports special case for selection starting at source block without inner-line changes - Merge dialog: 3 last merge sources are also available in History popup - own toolbar implementation: long-click-timeout for popup display is now set to 500ms by default; can be changed by setting smartsvn.toolbar.popupLongClickTimeout Fixed ----- - Customize toolbar dialog: no icons were shown - Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not stored - SVN-library did not support RSASSA-PSS certificates - switching perspectives lost focus - Windows: focus-rectangle was cut-off on HiDPI screen with non-default theme Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - switched from Log4j to Java Util Logging - log files are now stored in /logs/ SmartSVN 9.3 preview 5 (2018-01-06) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - Update: allow to be run without having a file selected, but with the focus in the Files view, e.g. after a commit - Changes view: mouse-wheel scrolling should jump to single change - File Compare: Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down to move current line up/down - system independent light-theme - settings files: if they could be read successfully, they will be written to a .backup directory at application start; reason: sometimes shortly after writing Windows may crash, e.g. on shutdown, and then corrupt all files written a short time before (those which are not yet written to SSD, but only to cache) - XML settings files are written in a more compact and easier to edit/merge format Fixed ----- - Changes view: mouse-wheel scrolling should not scroll the wrong direction - OS X: internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors - Table cells: use own rendering now for all columns to avoid color problems with themes SmartSVN 9.3 preview 4 (2017-11-08) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - Conflict Solver: added toolbar button to show base file changes - Compare: - allows to continue even with mixed line-endings - the settings dialog now applies immediately - added separate menu item "Remember as Default" to remember the currently configured view options - Update: added "Update More" as popup command - Preferences: reordered pages more logically and similar to SmartGit - Refresh: - refresh on window activation should be more responsive - Status Cache: set system property "statuscache.refresh.onSvnWcDbChange" to true to refresh recursivley on .svn/wc.db file monitor change events - Linux: the tiling window manager i3 is detected and disallows full-screen - Windows installer: installing Visual C++ Redistributables is not necessary any more - by default no splash screen is shown any more Fixed ----- - Annotate/Blame: possible internal error if empty file was encountered - Compare: - Shift+Del did not cut line any more - performance problems for large amount of displayed (white)space - IME-related internal error - Mate desktop: welcome dialog was not activated - Maximized window is not restored on same location/monitor SmartSVN 9.3 preview 3 (2017-09-05) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - Changes: - made display of individual line-endings optional - Conflict Solver now shows the files that contain mixed line separators and prevent editing - Merge: - added toolbar drop-down options to quickly merge all from the 3 latest merged branches - Update: - added toolbar drop-down variant to quickly update to HEAD for whole working copy - GUI: - verbose date formatting ("Yesterday"): - added option in preferences - show weekday for the last 7 days - text encoding form now shows used encoding for selection "System" option - updated SWT to version 4.758 - renamed "Line Separators" to "Line-endings" Fixed ----- - Changes view: - empty lines with different line-endings didn't show them - (un)toggling Changes | Ignore Whitespace did not work for displayed displayed line-endings - line added on file end always showed line-ending - applying changes might cause line-endings to disappear - possible invalid innerline diff - Take Selection was not very predictable - Linux: fixed failed second launch because of conflicting libz libraries, e.g. on Fedora 26 - Syntax coloring: file extension case mattered on Windows though it shouldn't - GUI: - own toolbar implementation: - OS X: toggled or hovered toolbar buttons are not well noticable (e.g. View menu buttons) - too-narrow item might not show all hidden items - Windows: anti-aliased text looked less sharp than before SmartSVN 9.3 preview 2 (2017-07-20) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - Ignore, ignore patterns: support for non-ASCII characters - Changes: - optional compact display - show individual line separators (if different) - GUI: - completion: tab completes (beside enter) - ability to change default View settings (by editing projects.xml) Fixed ----- - Commit: - could not continue if JIRA was not accessible - Preferences, tool definitions: commands without full path could not be edited - GUI: - internal error expanding changeset node - different accelerator-related fixes - Linux: windows did not always remember their size/position - OS X: table columns in dialog could be too narrow SmartSVN 9.3 preview 1 (2017-05-16) =================================== New, Improved ------------- - SVN binaries with support for IPv6 - CentOS 6.* is supported again by new SWT version without GLIBC 2.14 dependency - Log: Ctrl+F puts focus to search input field Fixed ----- - several toolbar problems (especially on Linux) should be fixed by own toolbar implementation - Compare, Conflict Solver: Find and Replace dialog: Find buttons were not enabled when invoked on selected word