SmartSVN 9.2.3 (2018-March-13) ============================== Changed ------- - Linux launcher: fixed to prevent problems with libz on some newer Linux versions New --- - Cache creation dialog: added option smartsvn.cache.skipDialog to skip showing the dialog and always selecting the preselected path Fixed ----- - Refresh: - Lock column showsn locked files in externals as "broken" - overlapping moves are not properly recognized (A -> B, C -> A) - About dialog: some license files showed wrong license count - Linux bundle: missed readme-linux.txt SmartSVN 9.2.2 (2017-September-5) ================================= Changed ------- - SVN has been updated to version 1.9.7 Fixed ----- - Repository Browser: did not remember previous URLs any more - remote commands: possible "Redirect cycled detected for URL" error - fixed in SVN 1.9.6 - Transactions: internal error when invoking Show Changes on selection of 1 transaction and 1 file - GUI: - some tree-control-related internal errors, e.g. when expanding Changeset node SmartSVN 9.2.1 (2017-May-24) ============================ Fixed ----- - Bugtraq: wrong formatting of server relative bugtraq URLs ("/path") - Commit: committing moved directory within moved directory did not work - Create Branch dialog: text "server-side-tag" was misleading - OS X: when launching from Finder Service menu, only SmartSVN is opened, but no command invoked - Transactions/Log: for Merge/Rollback errors were not denoted in the Output view - Various commands: no error dialogs were shown SmartSVN 9.2 (2017-March-30) ============================ Fixed ----- - Checkout wizard: if a plain directory specified instead of a repository path, no error is shown - Dark theme: - some table cells might remain with default background (order and sort dependent) - wizard: disabled step entries had slightly wrong background SmartSVN 9.2 RC 2 (2017-March-24) ================================= Fixed ----- - Changes view: fixed possible memory usage spike on refresh - Status Cache: don't perform background refresh by default, because it is too expensive (can be enabled by setting statuscache.refresh.background to true in "C:\ProgramData\SmartSVN\statuscache-1\") - Password store: setting a master password if it did not contain any password had no effect - GUI: - Checkout wizard: after showing the error of an inaccessible repository SmartSVN scrolled back to the 1st page but buttons were disabled - Compare and others (OS X): the Home key did not move caret to first character in document if line/document option was unselected in the preferences - Dark theme: Branch Browser, Log and Revision Graph, Speed-search popup fixed - OS X (regression from 9.2 RC 1): focus was lost after showing a dialog SmartSVN 9.2 RC 1 (2017-March-8) ================================ New --- - Annotate/Blame: "Age" und "Author" highlights became dark-theme aware - Commit: set VM option smartsvn.jira.showResolveDialog to false to not show a JIRA resolve dialog - Shell integration: proper update of "recursive modification" (at the cost of more status cache activity) - Theming: - added command line parameter --write-default-theme-file for easier creation of derived themes - selecting a theme switches automatically to the dark or light editor theme on next startup Fixed ----- - Background refreshing - Revision graph: shows "Root" instead of "." for projects without tag-branch-layout - Main windows did not remember full-screen and maximized state independent of the other - OS X: it might happen that pressing Enter very quickly could close a dialog and its parent before the dialog's close-routine had been performed causing odd internal errors - Shell integration: did sometimes not refresh properly SmartSVN 9.2 preview 5 (2017-February-14) ========================================= New --- - Add Branch: improved defaults and wording for local changes confirmation dialog - Checkout wizard, URL input field: use Del to delete outdated recent URLs from expanded combobox - Conflict Solver: - menu item to show base file - allow to skip the dialog telling about not having resolved all conflicts - GUI: - Find and Find & Replace dialogs (Compare, Conflict Solver): - both dialogs have been unified - support for regular expression search - made next/prev handling more intuitive - wizards: use wipe animation Fixed ----- - Changes view: - Current Lines display: possible internal error while painting - "No more changes" popup hard to read on Ubuntu - Commit message input field: - AltGr + Z (Ctrl + Alt + Z) performed undo - OS X: right-click showed 2 context menus; work-around for - Revision Graph: fixed memory leak related to hyperlinks (bugtraq-properties) - Transactions: tray icon always showed "New" revisions if a watch root did not provide any revision - GUI: - Edit properties: svn-properties were hard to read with dark theme - Tree controls: - preferences (OS X): weird selection behavior with default theme - OS X: work-around for - OS X: - preferences, Edit diff tool: wrong radio button preselected - possible UI hangs related to file monitoring - maximized (fullscreen) state was not restored - OS X 10.12: opening a non-fullscreen window from a fullscreen window did not switch to separate desktop, work-around for Changed ------- - SmartSVN will reject to launch because of old SWT versions, e.g. if replaced by user SmartSVN 9.2 preview 4 (2016-December-15) ========================================== New --- - Bugtraq properties: - are now reliable detected across external boundaries - VM option "smartsvn.bugtraq.formatting.checkLocation=false" to use any formatter found in working copy C - Dark theme support - reworked dark editor theme with pastell syntax colors to make changes better noticable - OS X: support for non-Finder integrations - SVN 1.9.5 binaries - update SWT to 4.720 Fixed ----- - Commit: - possible dead-lock related to JIRA - "could not convert URL error" when using double-quotes in Select Issue query - Refresh: nested externals (defined in same root directory) were not recognized SmartSVN 9.2 preview 3 (2016-November-17) ========================================== New --- - Compare: show current-line color in line-number gutter - Revision Graph: - added branch selector view instead of dialog - added speed-search for author and commit message - update SWT to 4.712 Fixed ----- - Commit: file name completion was broken - Compare: Ctrl+Alt+1/2 entered characters 1 or 2 => Ctrl+Alt-accelerators are handled before letting the control handle it - Log: could not be opened in Foundation edition - Repository Browser, Checkout: shows 2nd wizard page instead of 1st one - Switch: on second invocation, Other Location was populated with wrong (last) URL - Transactions: possible internal error expanding node - GUI: - Message dialogs: if text contained & it was used for underscoring the next character - Linux: could not expand tree nodes using cursor left/right - OS X: - table drag and drop: autoscrolling did not work - tree node in output view did not occur immediately SmartSVN 9.2 preview 2 (2016-September-12) ========================================== New --- - Compare: - inner-line change detection has been improved (more weight on non-whitespace-content) - Next/Prev Change now moves caret in all panes - Smart Tab: if multiple lines are selected, lines are tab-indented (tab) or unindented (shift+tab) - Log, Revision Graph: compare revisions (like Compare URLs) - GUI: - File completion input fields: smarter suggestions for upper-case characters Fixed ----- - Autoupdate on startup: showed "failed to download..." error if new build was rejected because it required an higher installed build - Compare: - internal errors applying selections/lines - undoing changes out of view did not scroll the changes into view - Conflict Solver: - external conflict solvers could not be launched for binary files (now they are if pattern != '*') - configuration rejected title patterns - Refresh: rapid file modifications may cause high CPU usage for a longer time - Spellchecker: did not support contractions like "doesn't, hasn't" - GUI: - Table: double-click could be triggered not only by the left mouse button - Tree: several tree-related internal errors - work-around for SWT bug where the toolbar might lose font on screen configuration change SmartSVN 9.2 preview 1 (2016-July-21) ===================================== New --- - Autoupdate: option to check for latest builds (by default enabled for preview) - the update check can't be disabled in the Foundation edition any more - JIRA, Select Issue dialog: - added speed search - option to reset query to defaults - Compare: - ability to apply selected line(s) - optional dark theme - Merge, Select Revisions dialog: ability to copy message - Bugtraq properties are also tried to initialize from inherited properties - Spellchecker: always uses a file for own words (without preferences option) - Relative Directory column: if too short, it is truncated in the middle - GUI: - multi-monitor environments: parent-less dialogs, e.g. preferences, are shown on the monitor where other windows are located, not necessarily the main monitor - OS X: all dialogs should be closable using ESC and Cmd+W, even parent-less ones - Tree/Table: uses colors on Windows, even if selected Fixed ----- - JIRA integration: possible endless loop if server certificate was invalid - File completion: completely rewritten to fix a couple of bugs - Compare: changing a color option in the preferences did not always redraw Changed ------- - GUI - updated SWT to version 4.622 - disabled full-screen option on Linux because a dialog on a full-screen windows was not shown - Linux: link colors are now derived from selection background